Health screening services and health education are provided to the underserved and uninsured that live in the greater metropolitan region.

HPES provides healthcare access in a nontraditional setting. Volunteer doctors, nurses, dentists and professional health care providers offer free health screening services on the third Saturday of the month at the University City Library.
The Library is centrally located at 6701 Delmar Blvd. and accessible by public transportation from all parts of metropolitan St. Louis. HPES provides more than 700 health screenings annually.
Screening tests offered include:
- Blood glucose checks (Diabetes)
- Blood pressure (Cardiovascular)
- Pulse
- Cholesterol (LDL, HDL, Triglycerides)
- Skin inspection
- Heart Disease (EKG)
- Hearing
- Glaucoma
- Height and weight
- Skin Disorders
- Vision
Screenings are held at
University City Library, 6701 Delmar Blvd
from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
2025 Screening dates on third Saturdays:
March 15
April 19
May 17
May 18
June 21
No screening in July
August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
No screening in December
Screenings are by appointment only. Call Jacqueline at 314 305-1439
for an appointment.